Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Binki be gone!

Binki's, man o man did i never think about how hard it would be to get my son off a binki. i have easly gotten my friends kids off them and pretty quickly too, but now i am in the driver seat and this is not easy! Do u know how easy it is when your in public and your son or daughter is screaming and crying because they cant communicate to you what they want or why they are upset and they have no clue as to what you are trying to tell them? Babys and parents speak 2 completly different languages that is for sure. So sure it is very easy to grab a binki and pop it in thier mouth and walla! the crying and screaming is done just like that o so easy. In the car they want out of that carseat that strappes them in ever so tightly. Binki please, Thank you peace and quiet now for the drive. These things are so addicting and not to the kids to the parents. And i thought i was bad. Anthony will give him one at the drop of a hat.

Now heres my day, i've been wanting him off the binki for a little bit now and i've gotten less and less binki use during the day, however somedays are better than others and if Nicholas finds a stashed binki there is no getting that thing out of his mouth. So this morning Nicholas wakes up and i go in his room to get him and he had no binki so i didnt look for it like i usually do and i grabbed him and we went down stairs. He didnt even notice "yes!" ok playing all day everything is going great. Nap time is here ok first hurdle we grab his froggy we grab his blanket and upstairs we go. "night night baby, nap time." i lay him down and shut the door and back down stairs i go to man the baby monitor. Nicholas usually doesnt cry at nap time he goes to sleep or talks for a few then sleeps today on the other hand he cried for about 15min and then finnally went to sleep with no binki!!

When he wonke up from his nap he didnt seem to want it at all. then daddy came home and we ran some errons and no binki in the car no crying or screaming either. Into the store we go, yes some crying and fight throwing but i didnt even put a binki in the diaper bag so i wasnt tempted. It was tough but i got through it. I was with my friend so we laughed it off since her daughter was a little fussy a couple times too. We made it back home with no more issues and then came bed time. did some of our night time routine and into bed he went. I went down stairs and the crying started and went fr almost 20 min-the whole time anthony was telling me go give him a binki, "no" i said, and i waited till it had been about 20min and i went up and cuddled him and he didnt want to go back in his crib so i did give him his binki but today was a huge step and i will try again tomorrow night at bed time and see how it goes.

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